NEW YORKH, NY – By Catherine Tsounis
Greek Americans are born to be Ahepans. They advance Hellenic ideals, philanthropy and compassion for others that is part of their Hellenic Greek heritage. The Ahepan scholarships inspire the youth on a mission of a fulling life in American communities.
The AHEPA Family of Hempstead joined together as a community to present its 2023 scholarships during their Easter Glendi (dinner) on Sunday afternoon, April 23, 2023, at the hall of the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of St. Paul on 110 Cathedral Ave, Hempstead, NY. AHEPA District 6 Governor Dean Moskos honored three scholars. “This Scholarship Awards Easter Dinner Presentation is proudly sponsored by the Cassimates /Cassis family in loving memory of Constantine and Carol Cassis,” said AHEPA chapter 170 President Anastasis Stampolis. The Constantine & Carol Cassis Scholarship winners are the following scholars: the High School Senior Award for 2023 Dimosthenis Theofilaktides; Athena Karavousanos, Garden City High School student; Christina Vasilakis, Clemson University student, South Carolina.
President Anastasios Stampolis served as Master of Ceremonies, Fr. Elias Pappas, assistant priest at St. Paul Cathedral, offered the opening prayer, Scholarship Committee Chairman Harry Monioudis presented the scholarships and AHEPA District 6 Governor Dean Moskos gave the scholarship awards. The dinner was offered by the Sons of Pericles.
“Our scholars had excellent grades, SAT scores, essays, and recommendations,” explained Harry Monioudis, Scholarship Committee Chairperson. “My three sons won the AHEPA scholarships. I want to give back. You do not take in this world without giving back. AHEPA Scholarship Committee member Anton Skrivavek “hopes our scholarship will assist in education and become a credit to society.” James Ginis who works behind the scenes, explained “It’s good to see worthy recipients get scholarships. I have been working in AHEPA for over 15 years.”
“The only way AHEPA can grow is through its youth,” said AHEPA 170 Treasurer Peter G. Cosmas. “Our youth will spread the word of Hellenism”. Joanne Pappas and Demetra Versocki are a dynamic Mother/Daughter duo who unselfishly give to Ahepa and St. Paul’s Cathedral. “It’s incredibly important to Pasithea to support the educational endeavors of our Greek Orthodox youth,” they said. We wish them success in their future. Thank you to St. Paul’s for supporting our Ahepa Family through the years.” I had the pleasure of reconnecting with my Facebook friend Yvonne Zaferiou, a relative of founders the late Harriet and Kyros Charalambides and their son Alex Chase. Social media has many positive features in helping people reconnect.
Many people worked through the year to make the AHEPA Family events a success. They include: AHEPA Family of Hempstead Scholarship Committee Harry Monioudis, Chairman; Demi Pamboukes Co- Chair; Joanne Pappas, Member; Members Kenneth Anderson, Louis Yeostros, Anastasios Stampolis, and Anton Skrivanek, Fr. Elias Pappas, Assistant Priest at St. Paul Cathedral; Nick Cassis and his wife Fotini Cassis, Emmanuel Cassis, and Elaine Cassimates who sponsor the scholarship awards program.
President Stampolis recognized: Current Ahepa District 6 Governor Dean Moskos; Current DOP District 6 Marshall Demetra Versocki; Past Ahepa District 6 Governor Demi Pamboukes; Past DOP District 6 Governor Fran Lutfy; Past DOP District 6 Governor Joanne Pappas; Past DOP District 6 Treasurer Marion Panos; Eileen Demiris, Daughters of Penelope Pasithea Chapter No.141 President; Past DOP District 6 Treasurer Katerina Englezou; Daughters of Penelope Pasithea Chapter No.141 President; Ahepa Constantine Cassis Chapter Vice President James Ginis and wife, Pasithea member Irene; Ahepa Constantine Cassis Chapter Exec Secretary Anton Skrivanek; AHEPA Constantine Cassis Chapter Treasurer Billy Demas; Daughters of Penelope Pasithea Chapter No.141 Vice President Joanne Pappas and Past President Daughters of Penelope Pasithea Chapter No.141Treasurer:Demetra Versocki; Daughters of Penelope Pasithea Chapter No.141 Corresponding secretary Sister Tatiana Stampolis; Sons of Pericles Lord Byron Chapter No.233; Georgios P. Cosmas, President; Constantinos E. (Dean) Athanailos Vice President; Peter E. Athanailos, Secretary, Dimosthenis Theofilaktidis, Assistant Secretary; Lukas Demas, Treasurer; Panagiotis Petrochilos: Chairman of the Board Of Governors, Constantine L.(Dean)Yeostros Board Of Governors; Maids Of Athena Victory Chapter No.76 President Anastasia Menoudakos.
The Ahepa Cassis chapter past presidents present were Gus Lucas, Cosmas Jannes, Harry Raptakis, Andrew Andron, Deacon Mathew Kakis; Pasithea Past Presidents Joanne Pappas, Fran Lutfy, Denise Rigopoulos. President Stampolis said “I want to take this time to thank the AHEPA family of Hempstead Events Committee who helped in pre-production and post production to put all this together: Tatiana Stampolis Daughters of Penelope (DOP #141), James Ginis; Billy Demas; Anton Skrivanek; Peter Cosmas; Soteroula Cosmas DOP 141; Joanne Pappas DOP 141; Demetra Versocki-DOP 141; John Vasilakis; Anastasia Vani, MOA 76; Leo Youpis; and Michelle Youpis DOP 141. For a more accurate list of leaders and members, email