NEW YORK, NY – The Athenians’ Society of New York in collaboration with the Greek American Writers Association and the Hellenic American Project (HAP) at the Queens College presented the Fourth Book Exposition of Hellenic Writers of the Diaspora on Saturday March 18, honoring the 202nd anniversary of Greek Independence.
The event held on the 27th anniversary of Nobel Prize-winning poet Odysseas Elytis’ death, celebrated also World Poetry Day as March 21 was declared by UNESCO.
Authors, poets and writers shared their work with the audience at a packed Archdiocesan Hellenic Cultural Center in Astoria.
Athenians’ Society President Panos Adamopoulos, in his welcoming remarks, thanked the writers for their participation and congratulated them for a work that leaves behind a legacy into the Greek American community.
“It’s an honor to have all these writers with us”, he said.
He also noted that the 4th Book Exposition is part of the Athenians’ Society’s efforts to promote Hellenic culture by bringing high quality events to the community, thanking all the Board members for all the work they do, their support and commitment.
Participating were Avgi Atmatzidou, Nikos Zavolas, Vana Kontomerkos, Maria Michelis, Tasos Mouzakis, Sevasti Boutos, Maria Nikolis, Gabriel Panagiosoulis, Aspa Papakonstantinou-Trigonis, Maria Olon Tsaroucha and Justine Frangouli -Argyris.
Athena Kromidas gave a presentation on Demetrios Vikelas’ historical novel “Loukis Laras”, titled “The Beginning of the Modern Greek Novel”.
Professor Nicholas Alexiou, Director of HAP at Queens College, gave a presentation on poetry and Hellenic culture and read works of Greek American poets who, as he noted, deserve further honor and study.
Consul General of Greece in New York, Dinos Konstantinou, who was also in attendance, noted in his greetings that “the Greek language and culture are our soul, our true passport for maintaining Greek identity for all Greeks no matter how far away from Greece they live”.

President Adamopoulos along with predecessor Vana Kontomerkou, presented Tasos Mouzakis, the Society’s VP and Greek American Writers Association’s president, with a plaque for his outstanding work in poetry and literature.
A live mini concert featuring classic songs associated with 1821 was presented at the end by the talented artists of Cyprus New York Productions under the Musical Director Phyto Stratis. Vocalists Ariadne Anna, Aggeliki Psoni, Alexandros Darna, Tasos Karydis, Glafkos Kontemeniotis on piano and Kostas Psarros on bouzouki and Athena Adamopoulos on piano were enthusiastically received by the audience.
A reception followed giving the attendees a rare chance to meet with the Greek American authors and poets in New York and learn more about their works.