Home Church & Religion Fr. Thomas FitzGerald, a Respected Theologian and Scholar, Is Mourned

Fr. Thomas FitzGerald, a Respected Theologian and Scholar, Is Mourned


The HCHC community, the Metropolis of Boston and the Holy Archdiocese mourn the passing of Fr. Thomas FitzGerald, a faithful Greek Orthodox priest, spiritual father and mentor, professor, scholar, author and former pastor of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Manchester, NH, who departed to be with the Lord on December 29, 2024.  

A respected theologian, scholar and much-loved professor, Father Thomas recently retired from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, having served the longest tenure of teaching in the history of the school. He began his teaching ministry in September of 1974 through January 2022, when he retired as Professor of Church History and Historical Theology. Furthermore, Father Thomas served as Dean of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology from September 2006 through August 2013 and again from June 2018 through December 2019.  Since his retirement, he was honored by being elected by the School of Theology faculty, Emeritus Professor of Church History and Historical Theology.  He has published numerous books and articles, including the highly praised, The Orthodox Church, an historical study of the development of the Orthodox Church in North America and The Ecumenical Movement: An Introductory History.

With the blessing and support of His Eminence, Archbishop Iakovos of North and South America, of blessed memory, for five decades, Father Thomas conscientiously and diligently represented the GOA and Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople at international and national theological meetings, events, and initiatives in the service of the Orthodox Church.  Through his international service, Father Thomas had the distinct honor of serving under two ecumenical patriarchs, His All Holiness, Demetrios I and His All Holiness, Bartholomew I.  During the 1990s, he was appointed to represent the Orthodox Church at the World Council of Churches in Geneva Switzerland, as the Executive Director of Unit I. This appointment included: the responsibility for the departments of the Faith and Order Commission, Theological Education, Worship and Spirituality, and the Department of the Laity. And, until most recently, December 2022, under the leadership of His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston, for over three decades has served on the North American Orthodox-Catholic Bilateral Dialogue as Executive Secretary on the Orthodox side.  The blessing to serve on this dialogue was originally given to him over forty years ago by his spiritual father, His Eminence, Metropolitan Maximos of Pittsburgh, of blessed memory. Moreover, Father Thomas also with his spiritual father’s blessing, served as a co-founding executive board member of Saint Catherine’s Vision and as a past president of the Orthodox Theological Society of America for many years.

 A native of Cambridge, MA, Father Thomas was born on February 9, 1947 to the late Thomas and Jane FitzGerald. Married on January 7, 1978, he is survived by his Presvytera, Kyriaki (Karidoyanes) FitzGerald, his brother Gerald FitzGerald, nieces and nephews, Sean and Kerry FitzGerald, Michael and Nicholas Karidoyanes, Michael Casey, Marysa (Casey) and Luis Sierra and Christopher Casey, and by his much-loved brothers and sisters in law, Louis Karidoyanes, Steven and Amy Karidoyanes, Patricia (Karidoyanes) Casey and Kevin Casey, as well as many, many cherished former parishioners and students, spiritual children, godchildren, extended family and friends.

His students and spiritual children have called Fr. Tom “a priest’s priest”. He has taught generations of clergy with love, exemplary faith and action for the life of the church, and for Christ. For many he became a surrogate father and/or pappou.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Manchester, NH and/or to St. Catherine’s Vision (www.saintcatherinevision.org).

Funeral services took place on Friday, January 3, 2025 at Nativity-Assumption Greek Orthodox Church in Cohasset, Massachusetts, followed by the burial subsequently at High Street Cemetery, Hingham, Massachusetts.

 May His Memory Be Eternal!