His Eminence Metropolitan Apostolos of New Jersey presided over the 90th anniversary celebrations of the Greek Orthodox Community of Holy Trinity in Wilmington, Delaware on the weekend of November 2 – 3, 2024.
The festivities began on Saturday evening with the 90th Anniversary Gala, which took place at The Waterfall in Claymont, Delaware. Over 400 parishioners, friends and supporters joined together with His Eminence in a spirit of fellowship and faith, in order to celebrate this auspicious occasion, as well as to remember all of the founding fathers and clergy who selflessly worked to establish and grow this historic community. Participating was U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware, and the Governor of Delaware John Carney, who presented the community with an official state proclamation in honor of the 90th anniversary. All those in attendance were also offered the opportunity to watch a beautiful documentary on the history of the community, as well as wonderful performance from the parish Greek Dance group.
In his Archpastoral Address to the community, His Eminence thanked all of the clergy, parish council members, Philoptochos members, ministry leaders, and devout faithful who have served this historic Church over the past 90 years for their tremendous work in providing this sacred house of worship in the First State of Delaware. He congratulated the proistamenos, the V. Rev. Christoforos Oikonomidis, the president of the Parish Council Stephen Karakasidis and the entire planning committee for organizing such a beautiful celebration. His Eminence concluded his remarks by presenting the community with a proclamation by which he officially elevated the parish to the status of a Cathedral, proclaiming the Holy Trinity Church as now official the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral of Delaware.
The next day, the festivities continued with the Orthros and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy celebrated by His Eminence with the assistance of Fr. Christoforos, and other clergy who have served over the years at the Holy Trinity Cathedral. In attendance for the Liturgy was the Vice-President of the Metropolis Council, Archon H. James Polos, the Metropolis Philoptochos President, Eleni Constantinides, the regional Archon Commander, Archon Cary Limberakis, as well as esteemed members of the Metropolis Council and Archons from throughout the Delaware Valley Region of the Metropolis.
In his homily, His Eminence again offered his warm thoughts of appreciation and congratulations to all the faithful of the community, encouraging them to continue the work of the previous generations, to continue to follow the teachings of the Holy Gospel, and to continue to grow closer to Christ so that this historic community may continue spreading the Good News of the Gospel for generations to come. At the end of the Divine Liturgy, Fr. Christoforos and the Parish Council President presented His Eminence with a gift of an Engolpio Set, for His Eminence to wear while he celebrates the Divine Liturgy, in remembrance of this historic day.
Following the Divine Liturgy the parish offered a beautiful luncheon in the Cathedral’s community center in honor of the 90th anniversary and the Archpastoral visit of their Chief Shepherd.