UPPER DARBY, PA – [Story – photos by Stelios Lambrou]
Faith and foundation is the basis of our Orthodoxy. Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church in Upper Darby has Sunday School with caring teachers to teach faith to the growing children. With excitement, the Sunday School kids from grades pre-K through 8th participated in the annual Christmas pageant.
They performed the roles of the sheep, the shepherds, the angels, the wise men along with Mary and Joseph showing the road traveled and obstacles endured leading to the birth of Christ in a manger in Bethlehem. The children learn and experience, firsthand, the humility of Jesus Christ and the greatest nativity story with the coming of our Lord.

Sunday School teachers, Anna Koulas and Presvytera Eleni Sanida, prepared a traditional presentation with exquisite variations from the previous years in the beautiful pageant on December 24 following the Divine Liturgy presided by Fr. Alexandros Kaitidis.
Each year it is an awe-inspiring experience as it is a heartwarming to see the young children embrace their faith.
The teachers of Saint Demetrios Sunday School wish everyone a Merry Christmas, a warm holiday season and a New Year filled with peace and happiness in your hearts and homes.