Home Church & Religion A Christmas Reflection,

A Christmas Reflection,

Photo: Metropolis of Boston/ Areti Bratsis

by H.E. Metropolitan Methodios of Boston

As we gather to celebrate the nativity of our Lord and Savior, let us reflect on the great mystery and profound significance of this great feast. The birth of Jesus Christ in a humble manger in the town of Bethlehem is not only a historical event, but a divine revelation that touches the very core of our lives as Orthodox Christians. On Christmas Day we are invited to embrace the joy and hope that the birth of our Savior brings to the world.       

At the heart of Christmas lies the astonishing reality that the son of God, the Creator of the universe, chose to take on human flesh, to be born in a manger, and to experience the fullness of our humanity. This incredible act of love demonstrates the depths to which Almighty God went to redeem His creation. It is a reminder that God is not distant or aloof, but rather is intimately involved in our lives. He shares in our joys, in our sorrows, in our hopes and struggles. His birth is a sign of his desire to dwell in our midst to transform our lives through His love. 

In our world, often filled with darkness and despair, the light of Christ’s birth shines brightly, illuminating our path to salvation. The angels that announced His birth to the shepherds, proclaimed “peace on earth and goodwill toward all people”. This peace is not merely the absence of conflict, but a deep and abiding peace that is the result of a restored relationship with Almighty God. It is the peace of knowing that we are loved and that our lives have eternal significance. As we celebrate this great feast, let us renew our commitment to live as witnesses of Christ’s peace and love in the world in which we live.

Christmas is a time for us to reflect on the virtues of humility, simplicity, and generosity. The Lord chose to be born in a humble manger, not a royal palace. This humble beginning calls us to embrace the virtues of meekness and humility in our lives. It invites us to serve one another selfishlessly just as Christ who came to serve and not be served. In a world that values wealth and status, the manger reminds us that true greatness lies not in the things we possess, but in the love and service we offer to our brothers and sisters in our own neighborhoods and throughout the World.

As we exchange gifts this Christmas, let us remember the greatest gift that has ever been given – the gift of God himself. Let us open our hearts to receive the love of Christ and share that love with those around us. May our hearts be filled with the light of Christ’s presence, and may our lives reflect His love, mercy, and compassion in the world in which we live.

Let us remember those who are suffering, who are lonely, or in need. Let us reach out to embrace our brothers and sisters in the spirit of Christmas. Christ was born to heal and to serve. As his followers, we are called to continue His mission of bringing comfort and hope and salvation to the world.

May the joy of Christmas fill your hearts with peace, joy, and every heavenly gift and may the blessing of the Christ child be with you and your loved ones.

+ Metropolitan Methodios