New York, NY -Outgoing U.S. Rep. Carolyn Maloney was honored by AHEPA for her decades of dedicated public service and her staunch advocacy as an effective caucus leader, at their Centennial Celebration dinner hosted by AHEPA Region 3 on October 14 at the Terrace on the Park in Queens.
Congresswoman Maloney co-founded the Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues in 1996 with former Congressman Michael Bilirakis and led it steadily since.
In addition to Hellenic issues, the AHEPA family worked with Congresswoman Maloney on Greece’s successful entry into the U.S. Visa Waiver program and on securing a Congressional Gold Medal posthumously for Constantino Brumidi, the “Artist of the Capitol”. She is also a champion of programs that provide affordable senior housing and that provide supportive services to domestic violence survivors and their families.
PSEKA President and Ahepan Philip Christopher introduced Congresswoman Maloney. She commended AHEPA for its storied history and community service and presented AHEPA with an American flag that flew over the U.S. Capitol in honor of AHEPA’s centennial anniversary.
AHEPA Supreme President Jimmy Kokotas also presented AHEPA Lifetime Achievement Awards to former Board of Trustees Member Lee Millas, Past Supreme Governor Elias Tsekerides, and posthumously to former Board of Trustees Member and Past Supreme Treasurer George Demopoulos.
Deputy Chief of Staff of the Hellenic National Defense General Staff (HNDGS) Hellenic Army Lieutenant General Georgios Kellis offered remarks.
Maids of Athena Grand President Maria Ana Pantelous, Supreme Governor Region 3 Theodore Stamas, Sons of Pericles Supreme Governor George Horiates, District 6 Governor Dean Moskos, and Daughters of Penelope District 6 Governor Lainie Christou, offered greetings to the audience of 200 people.
Board of Trustees Vice Chair George Horiates, PSP, served as Master of Ceremonies.