Home Church & Religion Archbishop Elpidophoros Visits St. Anthony’s parish in Pasadena, CA

Archbishop Elpidophoros Visits St. Anthony’s parish in Pasadena, CA


                             [Photos: Instagram / StAnthonysGreekOrthodoxChurch]

“It was a blessing to witness the compassion and pastoral care of His Eminence [Archbishop Elpidophoros] as he listened to the inspiring testimony of the dedicated ladies from Philoptochos who shared their efforts in addressing the needs of those affected by the Eaton fire”, notes an Instagram post by St. Anthony’s Greek Orthodox Church in Pasadena, CA.

St. Anthony’s parish was one of the many stops of His Eminence’s pastoral visit to the fire-ravaged Southern California area on Monday, January 27.

Judith Din, St. Anthony’s Philoptochos president, briefed the Archbishop and his entourage for the emergency relief initiative to support those who have been affected by the nearby Eaton Fire. As she noted, over 5,000 items were gathered from the Greek community as far away as Virginia for those in need.

“Following this, His Eminence took a meaningful drive through the affected community in Altadena, offering prayers and support. A particularly moving moment came when a young catechumen of St. Anthony’s shared photographs of his home, tragically lost in the fire, with His Eminence”, the post says adding that:

“This gathering was truly a blessed occasion, filled with love, hope and the enduring presence of Christ among us”.

His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros was accompanied during his visit by His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco, National Philoptochos Society President Debbie George, San Francisco Metropolis Philoptochos President Jeannie Ranglas, Leadership 100 Chairman Demetrios Logothetis, Regional Archon Commander Hon. Steven Counelis, and Consul General of Greece in Los Angeles Christina Valassopoulou.

His Grace Bishop Ioannis of Phocaea, Chancellor of the San Francisco Metropolis and Rev. Fr. Evagoras Constantinides along with Deacon Jeremiah Mandoras were also present.

St. Anthony’s Greek Orthodox Church proistamenos, Fr. Peter Stratos, and Philoptochos President Judith Din, welcomed the Archbishop and the visiting delegation.


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