Let us give thanks unto the Lord. (The Divine Liturgy)
Beloved sisters and brothers in Christ,
Thanksgiving Day is a wondrous National Holiday that calls Americans to gather in a spirit of gratitude around their kitchen and dining tables. It is a moment to take stock of our lives and remind ourselves that we have so much for which to be grateful. Grateful to one another, and even more so, grateful to God. With all the food preparations and travels that happen before this fourth Thursday in November (and we thank all those who set the table for us!), we must also look to the Author of our lives and give a clear account of our hearts.
Our human lives are the greatest gift that we could ever receive. And although many go through decades of their lives without so much as a thought to the gift of their own existence, we can and should heed the words of the Divine Liturgy: “Let us give thanks unto the Lord”. No Liturgy is complete without this exhortation, and no Thanksgiving Holiday is complete without an acknowledgment of God’s gift of our very being and existence.
I know that I am enormously thankful for all of the faithful members of our Church, because it is through your prayers and your support that our ministry of God’s love and care for the world is energized. On this Thanksgiving Day — and every day — let us give thanks unto the Lord, Who has gifted us with life and the knowledge of His truth. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
In the love of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Archbishop of America