Christmas Reflection 2024 on Vimeo
Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Lord,
This Christmas, let us pause and lean into the incredible, unexpected story of our Lord’s birth. Imagine that night in Bethlehem: God Himself entering our world, not with thunder or majesty, but as a fragile, vulnerable child, born in a cold, humble manger. It is a moment of awe, a moment that defies expectations—and it is the beginning of God’s daring plan to transform the world.
“The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” In those simple words, we see the heart of the Nativity. God did not stay at a distance; He did not just speak from on high. He stepped into our world, our mess, our struggles—right into the brokenness and beauty of being human. He took on our fears, our sorrows, and our joys so that He could bring light to our darkness and hope to our despair.
This is not just an ancient story; it is a wake-up call for us today. The humble birth of Christ challenges us to make room in our own lives for Him. Just as there was no room in the inn that night, we can let our lives get crowded with our worries, ambitions, and distractions. This season, Christ is knocking—inviting us to clear out the clutter and prepare a place in our hearts for Him. What if, this Christmas, we did not just go through the motions but truly let Him in, letting His light transform us?
Christmas is not just about what we receive; it is also a call to action for us to give. The message of the Nativity does not stay in Bethlehem my beloved brothers and sisters in the Lord —it travels, with the shepherds who cannot keep the good news to themselves, and with the wise men who journeyed far to worship. We, too, are called to be bearers of Christ’s light, right here and right now. Our world is hungry for this light. In our families, neighborhoods, and communities, there are people aching for hope, for peace, and for the love of God. And each one of us has the power to bring this love if we offer the gifts that we receive in the Church to the world around us.
Imagine what our world could be if we each became living nativity scenes—each of us, filled with the same humility, courage, and love that Christ showed on that night. This Christmas, may we go beyond celebration. May we be like the shepherds, ready to share the message of hope with everyone we meet. May we be like the wise men, willing to sacrifice through fasting, to journey, and to kneel before our Lord. May the wonder and joy of Christ’s birth fill your heart and home with peace this season. And may we carry His light into the world, making His presence known wherever we go.
Wishing you and your families a blessed and glorious Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Merry Christmas! Καλά Χριστούγεννα!