NEW YORK, NY – The Officers and Directors of HABA [Hellenic American Association for Professionals in Finance] announced the results of their annual elections which were held on June 29.
Chris Thomas [Simon Quick Advisors LLC] was elected as the new President. Joining him are Alexia Kalfas, [TMV], Vice President, Costas Kellas, [Objecutive, Inc.], Treasurer and Panagiota Mahendru, [Low Income Investment Fund], Secretary.
The following Directors were elected for 2-year terms: Emmanuel Caravanos, [Arab Bank Plc], James P. Gerkis, [Proskauer Rose LLP], Demetri Papacostas, [Bloomberg L.P.], Kondilia Parissi, [First Eagle Investment Management], Sophia Prountzos, [Wells Fargo] and Loukas Tasigianis, [Nasdaq Private Market].
They join Alexandros Papadopoulos, [Papadopoulos Group Inc.], who has one year remaining in his current term.
HABA also announced the appointment of Robert Savage, BNY Mellon, who is filling a recently- vacated Director position for one-year term.
The Officers and Directors of HABA expressed their appreciation to Fanny Trataros “for her many years of service to HABA as a past President and Director” and thanked all the Members for their participation and continued support, reminding them that HABA’s first Fall event is tentatively scheduled for September 20 and wishing them a wonderful summer!
HABA is a not-for-profit organization established in 1982 to promote the professional and educational interest of Greek-Americans, Cypriots, and Phil-Hellenes in the banking and finance industries.
More info is available online: www.haba.org.