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Panel Discussion on Greek-American State Legislators’ Effect in the East Mediterranean, and Beyond, by EMBCA on February 19

NEW YORK, NY – The East Mediterranean Business Culture Alliance (EMBCA) presents “American Bipartisan State Legislators of Hellenic Descent and their Effect in the East Mediterranean, and Beyond” Webinar Panel Discussion on Sunday, February 19, 2023 at 2 pm EST/ 9 pm Athens EEST.

The panel discussion will be introduced and moderated by Lou Katsos, EMBCA’s President.

A distinguished panel, in formation, will include State Senator Lou Raptakis (D- R.I.); State Representative Eleni Kavros (D-CT.); State Representative Nicole Klarides (R-CT.); State Senator Spiros Mantzavinos (D-DL); State Representative Leon Stavrinakis (D-SC); and State Senator Stephan Pappas (R-WY).

“The importance of state legislators is at times misunderstood not only on a grass roots level locally but also in helping shape and the key to national issues as well as international ones. Join us as we have a bipartisan discussion with some of them of Hellenic descent about their main role of designing, drafting, and passing laws on a state level but also helping shape national as well as international policy in the East Mediterranean, and beyond”, noted Katsos.