“Most Americans treasure an immigrant story as it is a precious thread in the legacy of most families. There is a curiosity as to why the immigrant left their homeland. We wonder what opportunity presented itself for a change. We want to know what was met upon arrival in the New World and what course their life took”.
This is the theme of the 2022 National Essay Contest being conducted by St. Photios National Shrine and is open to youth aged 13-19.
In an essay of 950 – 1,050 words, the participants -who are divided into two age categories: 13-15 and 16-19 – are asked to compare and contrast the immigrant story of the Greek Colonists of 1768 with the immigrant story of a family member or of a personal friend and submit their essays no later than December 2, 2022 via via email to: Polexeni Maouris Hillier, Executive Director of the St. Photios National Shrine at [email protected].
A single essay, from each age category, will be selected as the winner by a committee and will receive a $1,000 each. All participants will receive a certificate. Winners will be announced on Sunday, January 8, 2023.
According to the organizers, all essays become property of the St. Photios National Shrine and may be used for various publicity purposes, always with the byline of the author.
This year’s Essay Contest is made possible by the generosity of The Kathie D’Anna Charitable Fund.