By H.E. Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco
Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ,
As we gather with our loved ones and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving, I invite you to pause and think about what this day really means—not just as a holiday, but as an opportunity for profound reflection and gratitude. You see, in a world where ‘thankful’ can become just another casual word we over-use, I ask you to consider: What are we truly thankful for? And maybe even more importantly, how are we actually living that gratitude?
For us, as Orthodox Christians, Thanksgiving goes far beyond a sumptuous meal, a single day, or even a season. It is the very heart of our faith. Every time we gather for the Divine Liturgy, we celebrate the ultimate thanksgiving—offering our thanks to God for His immeasurable love and His gift of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ. But Thanksgiving is not meant to stay within the walls of the church. This gratitude is a call to action, a call to live with purpose and to extend God’s love to the world around us. We are living in challenging times. We see division, violence, wars, and natural disasters. It is easy to lose sight of God’s blessings amid the hardships and for our sense of gratitude to grow thin. But perhaps, that is precisely when we need gratitude the most.
This Thanksgiving, I encourage you to be thankful not only for the obvious blessings, like family, health, and home, but also for the challenges that have stretched and strengthened you. Let us embrace a gratitude that acknowledges both the joys and the trials—a gratitude that does not fade with circumstances but grows stronger through them. Let us also take this opportunity to transform our gratitude into action. And let us show kindness to those in need, extend forgiveness to those who have hurt us, and offer our time to those who are lonely. Saint John Chrysostom said, “Nothing is so agreeable to God as a grateful and thankful soul.” True gratitude is shown through what we do, and through the way we live and love others. And with this gratitude we present ourselves to our Lord, ready for transformation.
This Thanksgiving, let us be the light of Christ to the world, each of us a living witness to God’s mercy and grace. I pray that you and your loved ones experience the fullness of God’s blessings this season. May we each carry the spirit of Thanksgiving into our daily lives, letting gratitude fuel our compassion, strengthen our resilience in the face of challenges, and guide our actions.
Wishing you and your loved one a most blessed, peaceful, and Happy Thanksgiving! God bless you!