DAWSON SPRINGS, KY. – AHEPA Supreme President Jimmy Kokotas visited tornado ravaged areas of Kentucky and distributed relief aid to victims, relief workers, and first-responders on Dec. 21, 2021.
Daughters of Penelope Grand President Kathy Bizoukas and AHEPA National Housing Corporation Board Vice President John Miller, of Nashville, Tenn., accompanied Supreme President Kokotas to Dawson Springs, Ky., where they distributed food, water, and sundries valued at approximately $2,500.
“The scale of the devastation is unimaginable”, Supreme President Kokotas said. “Many families have lost their homes, their vehicles, and irreplaceable personal items. The people of the Midwest and Southeastern United States will need every ounce of assistance to recover and rebuild”.
“Under the AHEPA Cares program, we must do our part to help”, he said. “We are urging our AHEPA chapters, members, and the community to come together to provide assistance through our Emergency Relief Fund as we have traditionally when natural disasters strike”.
AHEPA conveyed its sincere appreciation to AHEPA Chapter 343, Nashville; Music City Diner, and Grecian Pizza for their combined donations that provided for approximately 500 sandwiches to be distributed.