The AHEPA “Constantine Cassis Chapter No.170” family in Hempstead said the final goodbye to their past president, Gus Lucas who passed away at the age of 99.
The Chapter’s current President Anastasi Stampolis shared the sad news on January 10 in a statement via email.
“Our entire AHEPA Family of Hempstead wishes to express our deepest sympathies and condolences to the family of our Past President and Brother Gus Lucas who has fallen asleep in our Lord”, Stampolis said, noting that “beloved Brother Gus Lucas has served our brotherhood for many years as an AHEPAN and a Past President of our AHEPA 170 Chapter in 2006 and 2007. Past President Gus Lucas had served in the United States Army and retired at the rank of Corporal”.
“While serving as AHEPA 170 President, Lucas, alongside the Daughters of Penelope Pasithea Chapter No.141 chaired a committee and raised $17,000 which was donated to the Autism Foundation”, the statement added.
The funeral service was held on Friday January 12 at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of Saint Paul.
May his memory be eternal.