PHILADELPHIA, PA – The Federation of Hellenic-American Societies of Philadelphia and the Greater Delaware Valley and the City of Philadelphia are getting ready for the Annual Greek Independence Day Parade on April 2, celebrating 202 years since the start of Greece’s struggle for Independence.
The annual Flag Raising Ceremony at Philadelphia’s City Hall on Friday, March 31, at 2 pm, will kick off a weekend of events. The Mayor of Philadelphia will present the Proclamation to commemorate the 202nd Anniversary of Greek Independence to the President of the Federation, Georgia Chletcos and the Parade Committee, representing the Greek-American Community.
The Presidential Guard of Greece (the Evzones), whose duties include guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the Presidential Mansion, will be present. Their unique marching cadence and uniforms will bring a powerful display to the ceremony and during the Parade on the historic Parkway. The grandeur of the Evzones commands a great sense of pride for Greeks and guests.
The “Eleftheria and Dignitaries Banquet” will be held at the Adelphia in Deptford on April 1 honoring Alexandra Papadopoulou, the Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic to the United States, with the 2023 Eleftheria Medal, the Federation’s highest honor.
The 2023 Grand Marshal of the Greek Independence Parade is Ambassador of the United States to the Hellenic Republic George J. Tsunis.
Formation of the Parade will start at 1 pm at 22nd Street and the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, and the official start will be 2 pm. It will end at the reviewing stand at 18th Street and Benjamin Franklin Parkway.
Participants for this historic event include His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, who will officiate at the Divine Liturgy and the Doxology at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of St. George in Philadelphia, on Sunday morning, representatives from Greece and Cyprus, local, national, and international organizations.
Following the parade procession that will conclude at 18th and Benjamin Franklin Parkway, a Post Parade reception with free admission will be held at the Sheraton Liberty Ballroom, 201 N. 17th Street in Philadelphia, where local traditional Greek folk dance groups will perform, music and light fare will be provided. This event will officially close the parade commemorating the historic day.
More information is available online including the detailed program of events and the form for those organizations interested in participating: